Diode Laser Applications with wavelengths-650nm/810nm/980nm/1064nm/1470nm/1940nm
Diode Laser Applications with wavelengths-650nm/810nm/980nm/1064nm/1470nm/1940nm Lasers have been used for various medical procedures such as dermatology and cosmetic surgery , wound healings, nerve stimulation, dentistry ophthalmology applications for vision corrections and corneal deceases. and many other therapeutic procedures. Combining the nanoparticles, diode lasers have been also used for cancer therapy, bio-sensing, bio-imaging, drug delivery and diagnostics of cancer cell. Lasers in the near infrared (IR), wavelength of (750-1200) nm, have deeper tissue penetration depths than that of visible lasers. Therefore, near IR lasers are good candidates for procedures which need deep penetrations such as hair removal and nano-gold mediated cancer therapy. On the other hand, visible lasers (430 – 680) nm with strong absorption in blood and color-dyes have been used for phototherapy of oral cancer, retina deceases and tattoo removal. Mid-IR lasers (1.9-3.0) um and (9.3 -10.6) um with ...